Fall DLC Meeting - Alexandria, VA


Provides detailed information on information products from Census 2000 in all formats, including types of files, geographic levels, population groups, etc. Presentation by John Kavaliunas, U.S. Bureau of the Census.

Lists basic, intermediate, and advanced skills for depository librarians in an electronic environment. Presenters include: Sherry DeDecker, Coordinator, GODORT Federal Documents Task Force; Eric Forte, Chair, GODORT GITCO; John Hernandez, GODORT GITCO; and Cindi Wolff, School of Library & Information Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Discusses techniques librarians can use to help differing levels of users find scientific and technical information on the Web, using 7 sample reference questions. Discusses search engines, directories, and individual government Web sites. Presentation by Kay Collins, University of California, Irvine.